Make an appointment for a fitting

You have decided on an AquaNovoBoot? Glad to hear it!
Of course we’ll make a date for the fitting of your AquaNovoBoot, one that fits your schedule.
The fitting will last from 40 to 50 minutes. In the rare case that special problems occur, making it necessary for us to do extra work on the ski boots, you may want to allocate another 90 minutes in your schedule.
After the fitting you can take the AquaNovoBoot straight home with you!
The great advantage of our system is that you don’t need to keep coming back to us.
You can take your ski boots home with you or go straight off on your skiing holiday.
Prior to your appointment some pieces of information are absolutely essential to guarantee the availability of all material and minimum time investment for your convenience.
Please send us the following information by mail in advance. Here you can find your AquaNovoBoot dealer.
Your name, address and phone number
- Your age
- Your size
- Your weight
- Your skier-type: beginner, allrounder, sportskier, advanced sportskier
- Which ski boot do you currently ski in (brand & model)? Which size do you wear in Mondo (for example size 27)? Alternatively, what is the sole length which you usually find imprinted on the heel (for example 315 mm)?
- Two Photos of your feet
Please make two photos of your feet as shown below:
Photo 1 (from above):

Take a ruler or a tape-measure
- Then stand barefoot with your feet to the wall, place the ruler or tape-measure between your feet and take the picture from above
- This way we can calculate the length and, by calculation, the breadth of your feet
Photo 2 (from the side):

- Next step: take a picture from the side of the foot, standing the ruler or tape-measuree on the floor beside your foot
- This way we can calculate the height of your instep.
Here you can find your AquaNovoBoot dealer:
AquaNovoBoot Garmisch-Partenkirchen
We will contact you at once!
As soon as we have your email we will check that we have the appropriate „basic components“ for you: shell, foam liner and insole. We will then send you an mail or ring you in order to arrange a date with us at your choice.
If any element of your boot has to be ordered, we will tell you at once and arrange a date with you as soon we have the materials. In this way we can avoid having you come to us before we have the boot components available.

What happens if I have not made an appointment?
Of course you are welcome to come to us even without a date. However, first of all, we cannot guarantee that we will have the individual parts needed for an AquaNovoBoot for you on stock. This is unfortunately the case particularly at the end of the winter season and in spring, summer and autumn.
Second, you may have to wait, since customers with a date are in the queue. We do ask for your understanding, since more than half of our customers have had a long journey to come to us, from all parts of Germany or from Switzerland, Austria and the Alto Adige.